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Micromegas x Luiss Business School of Milan

The final round of the Luiss Business School's Master's course in “Marketing Management - Major in Corporate Event, PR & Communication,” from the Milan branch, directed by professors Luca Pirolo and Lorena Fragassa, comes to life as a real field test to test the organizational and team skills of Luiss students.

As happened two weeks earlier with the course at the Rome branch, today Micromegas made its TV studios and entire directing staff available to produce two TV episodes of 45 minutes each hosted by La7's Deputy News Director Andrea Pancani, who moderated the guests in the studio and on the air.

The task assigned to the students, organized into working groups, was the complete production of a TV episode: from the theme, content, speakers to the total production down to the smallest detail. The quality of the winning entries in this edition was also accompanied by the importance and topicality of the topics developed: nuclear energy and mental health in young people.

To read the full article and discover the guests who participated in the registration click on the following links:



Micromegas x Luiss Business School of Rome

Challenge as final test of Luiss Business School master's degree realized with Micromegas, alumni make a real TV episode

The final exam of the Luiss Business School's Master's program in "Marketing Management - Major in Corporate Event, PR & Communication" is called a Challenge, not least because for the most ambitious it is not enough to pass it, but also to win. And if until yesterday it was just glory or "kudos" to use the language of the academic world, this year, for the first time, Micromegas has made available to the winners all the resources necessary to realize the object of the exam: a one-hour TV episode on a topic chosen by the working group. But the news doesn't end there, the Luiss Business School evaluation committee, headed by Prof. Luca Pirolo and Prof. Erminio Fragassa, decided to award ex equo two final projects for quality of work and topics covered.
The outline of work that the 5 groups, each composed of 8 students, had to develop was the complete realization of a TV episode: from the theme, content, speakers to the total production down to the smallest detail. The quality of the winning works in this edition was also accompanied by the importance and topicality of the topics developed: prison overcrowding and seasonal work in tourism.

To read the entire article and find out about the guests who participated in the recording click on the following links:



Micromegas for ANAS

Micromegas wins the tender announced by ANAS for the organization of corporate and territorial events.

A framework agreement of great importance that sees Micromegas alongside ANAS in the management of national events throughout the territory.

This agreement is a significant recognition of the quality and experience that Micromegas offers in the field of event management.

Micromegas Partner of Luiss Business School

This year Luiss Business School has chosen Micromegas Communication as a Partner for the fourth edition of the Master in Marketing Management with the Major in Corporate Event, PR and Communication. This training program offers a wide range of skills needed to understand and manage the dynamics and importance of Communication tools, such as public relations, marketing and events. The comprehensive management training is supported by the experience of Micromegas Communication, which works with high-profile international clients and organizes events of various kinds around the world.

For more information, please visit the following link: https://businessschool.luiss.it/pr-communication-event-management/

Third edition "Mediterranea- La Civiltà Blu" 2023

The third edition of the Rassegna Mediterranea - La Civiltà Blu ended with great success. Numerous guests attended the event, offering insights into a wide range of current topics, from politics to sport. Prominent personalities such as Cucinelli, Malagò and Tajani contributed to making the Mediterranea 2023 experience unique.

But the surprises do not end there! The 2024 edition promises to be even richer in novelties, offering further food for thought and debate. Prestigious guests will be present, and topics of great relevance will be addressed.

Press Conference

Press conference of "Mediterranea-La Civiltà Blu"

Yesterday afternoon, the press conference of Mediterranea-La Civiltà Blu was held at the Micromegas Comunicazione studios. From August 2nd, Mediterranea - La Civiltà Blu (Mediterranean - The Blue Civilisation) is back, the review of meetings organised and promoted by Micromegas Comunicazione in collaboration with Il Comune Di Sabaudia, Aeronautica Militare, European Commission, Cufaa, Unicredit, Tci Led, Poste Italiane, Rai, Adnkronos, Ansa, Askanews, Citynews, Dire, Il Tempo, Radio Roma, TeleRoma56, Acqualatina, Auxilia Finance, Fiaip, Filiera Italia, Fondazione Roma Expo 2030, Gruppo Iacolino, Mashfrog, Thales Alenia Space and Ulisse Gallery. The third edition, to be held in Sabaudia in the premises of the Corte Comunale, will feature speeches by major players in the fields of politics, the environment, economics, tourism, culture, sport and music. Eleven appointments in which the hottest topics of current events will be addressed: political and economic scenarios, environmental protection, culture and tourism development.
The entire programme can be viewed at https://mediterranea.live/ and on the relevant social platforms that will also host live streaming: https://www.instagram.com/rassegna_mediterranea/and https://www.facebook.com/ and https://www.youtube.com/@mediterranea-laciviltablu7983/featured

Press conference

Micromegas in New York


The 'Italian Biodiversity Keepers' exhibition, organised by the Carabinieri and present at the UN headquarters in Glass Palace, offers multimedia and interactive content to mark World Ecosystem Defence Month as a representation of the protection of Italy's natural heritage. The event is coordinated by the Italian Representation to the UN and is in collaboration with Leonardo and Telespazio.
The installation, inaugurated on 8 May, will remain open until 18 May and offers the opportunity to immerse oneself in an immersive journey to showcase Italy's capabilities as a country that conserves environmental and sustainable values.

The decade of the Two Popes comes to a close

Rome 3th of January 2023

"With sorrow I inform you that the Pope Emeritus, Benedict XVI, has passed away…" these are the words of the director of the Holy See Press Office, Matteo Bruni. In memory of Pope Ratzinger, we share footage of the celebration of Benedict XVI's 60th anniversary of his priestly ordination, the result of a collaboration between Micromegas and the Holy See.

link video

Carabinieri-Italian Biodiversity Keepers

Rome, 26 April 2023

Presented today, at the Chamber of Deputies is the "Carabinieri-Italian Biodiversity Keepers" exhibition, sponsored by the Carabinieri Corps to promote Italy's commitment to environmental protection. The exhibition will be held at the UN Building in New York from May 8 to 18, in collaboration with the Permanent Representation of Italy to the United Nations, the Air Force, Leonardo and Telespazio. Micromegas is the curator and producer of the exhibition on behalf of the Carabinieri Corps.

Press review

Second Edition Antonio Catricalà Award

Sabaudia 6 th of August 2022

The prize that commemorates and honors the magistrate of the Council of State and the distinguished jurist was awarded on 6 August to the journalist Gianni Letta and the Commander General of the Carabiniers Teo Luzi.

Follow all the meetings of the Rassegna Mediterranea in streaming on Youtube

Circeo 3rd of July 2021

San Felice Circeo is the perfect setting to host events, musical, artistic and theatrical performances. Social, economic and political issues are addressed, enhancing the territory and its attractions.

Belong the new podcast on sustainability

Rome 11 th of April 2021

A container of stories, dialogues and interviews addressing issues of culture, green mobility and gender equality. Every week, we discuss with our guests new ways of doing business along the lines of sustainability.

MM Studios in via Flaminia 999 is born

Rome 21st of March 2021

In the Studios, commercials, videos, filming and digital content are produced. The objective? To enable companies to spectacularize their events by streaming them through two sets and our state-of-the-art technology.

Nect We is born

Rome March 2020

NectWe is our exclusive event management platform - constantly updated and implemented. It monitors all phases of planning, production, online management of invitation processes, live interaction with participants, organizational secretariat and convention organization.

NectWe is your unique partner for physical or virtual trade fairs and events organization.

Enel 50 th Anniversary of the Edoardo Amaldi power station

Rome 10 th of September 2021

On the 10th of September Micromegas organized the 50th anniversary of the Edoardo Amaldi Power Plant - La Casella di Castel San Giovanni in Piacenza for Enel Green Power and Enel Italia.